Monday, November 30, 2009

Defining Beauty

What a display. I mean this video had me thinking about alot of situations where I thought I was ugly, to dark, my eyes were to dark and I was below the standard of beauty. I'm glad I've overcame those doubting emotions but I can't believed I cried. I mean I get emotional all the time but to see young black girls describe and criticized their looks on skin color is so painful. I love children and I curse whom ever made them feel that way. Whom had the audacity to make children self hate. I'm really sorry but I cant write this in the form you want me to write it in because I cant really function because of this. I'm upset, hurt, angry and confused on why do they think this way. If I could meet those children, I would kneel down, smile at them, stare and their eyes and tell them how beautiful they are and how wonderfully made they are. I would would tell them to never let anyone rob you of your standard, faith and self confidence. Be all that you can be. Find yourself, don't let this world define you. Be against the statistic of African American girls only good for making children and being on welfare and African American boys only good for drugs and being a horrible father. Be against the statistic of African American being uneducated with no degree, no job, no future, no plans to take back what was rightfully yours. Be for success and knowing who you are and don't ever let anyone tell you differently. You no longer have to wear no mask nor no disguise, let them see your confidence in your eyes because you are beautifully and wonderfully made and I love you and so does your family. That's exactly what I would say to them. Whether they understand or not it will stick with them threw their lives and one day they'll understand.