Monday, December 7, 2009

Poem 2 non-original

Little Black Feet In The White House

The wicked carried them away in captivity, to cruel and far away lands.
In cotton fields and on plantations they would toil, with old and young black hands.
The stripes on their backs formed tree shaped reminders; the chains kept them in place.
Many leaped from the ships into a cold abysmal coffin, refusing the oppression they would surley face.
Through the middle passages the others sailed, settling for the slower route to death.
The task master's whip flickered like the tongue of a viper, his harsh words spewed like the dragon's breath.
Enslaved by the ignorance of their captors and bigotry that binds them, a life of bondage they received.
Terror by night and terror by day that was so unyielding, but the blacks were stronger than they believed.
Now there are little Black feet in the White House. Oh yes, there are little Black feet in the White House.
Through the dark of night went the relentless pursuit, for a land of promised redemption.
Wading in the water the way Harriet taught them, each with the same task with no exemption.
The sound of the blood hounds rang in their ears, yet all they heard was that bell of freedom.
Mrs. Tubman's face reflected blood, sweat and tears; still they followed where she did lead them.
Journey by journey, through the perilous path, though their feet and their will grew tired.
Inch by inch, step by step, they forged ever forward, to the freedom that each one desired.
To the North there's a place where chains sometimes melt; when a voice said hurry don't delay.
Humble by nature, born with the love of God, yet striking down anyone that stood in their way.
Now there are little Black feet in the White House. Oh yes, there are little Black feet in the White House.
Civil war between the North and the South came, but the motive is still not yet clear.
Freeing a people without releasing their minds; only makes them merely slaves to fear.
Treating the Freedmen like they were less than human, was the norm in this anti-bellum world.
Leaving them lost in that freedom, if that's what it was, with no country and no flag to unfurl.
Unwanted by a nation; on your labor was built, caused enough tear that would fill up the Nile.
Knowing no other life but a life of bondage, enslaved from when you were a child.
The prayers that were prayed, had a long way to travel, because the years of suffering were many.
No hope and no help became their constant shadow, no equality rendered; no not any.
Then along comes a King with a dream in his heart, and a voice that rode on the wind.
An assassin's bullet cowardly silenced the voice, before the awakening could begin.
His words are still engrained in our souls, while the King watches his people from above.
Martin's lessons were God sent and easy to understand, his main focus was brotherly love.
Now there are little Black feet in the White House. Oh yes, there are little Black feet in the White House.
Now with years after his fall; forty-five to be exact, our people are still not yet free.
But there is a new one who will take us to the birthright of all, he has a face just like you and me.
From the threads of two races he was woven into one, who will prove that we are all the same.
A black father and white mother; the vessels that bore him, his goal is universal love; not fame.
A warrior of the best kind, his steps are sure, he's much, much smarter than they think.
A new world peace is what he envisions; a great era is now on the brink.
You know who I speak of so I won't call his name, Ok, I'll give you a hint just for fun.
Some call him a savior, others say he God's gift, I think I'll just call him "That One".

Now there are little Black feet in the White House. Oh yes, there are little Black feet in
the White House.

Written by John A. Smith

Poem 1 non -original


As I lay here nestled in the soft and gentle bosom of my mother
Looking in to her eyes
As though she is trying to relate to me mentally
Are those the stars of pain I see?
As a tear runs down her cheek and she grabs hold of me so tightly

O god what is this I see
As my father pounces on my mother
Like a loin in the jungle taking down his prey
As he chokes her down dragging her from one room to another
Beating her into unconscious states of submission
In the depths of my soul I am crying out to be released
From the entanglement of this triangle of pain and abuse

As I look off in the distance
I see my mothers rage and the anger of her fury
As she leaps on top of my father
As she begins stabbing him until she can feel no pain
As I scream out to her my first spoken word…STOP

O god why are people afraid
To look in to the mirror and see their true reflections
As they reminisce on how their life got to the point
Why must we be afraid to break down these chains?
That has us choosing to love those
Who choose to abuse us physically, mentally and psychologically?
Knowing that we can't love our children
If we cant love ourselves
Subjecting them to the blindness that we see
Teaching the lies and unjustifiable meanings
Of what love is suppose to be

O god why are people afraid
Why must people stay together?
Knowing they don't love one another
Is it because they are afraid to see
Beyond the hour glass figure standing before them
Or is it because they feel they do not deserve better
To look in the mirror and to discover
How glorious the sun shines
When one chooses to love thou self
Before any man, woman or discreet lover

O god why are people afraid
To push open those double doors
That will lead them into a greater existence
That will show them their true destiny
As they learn to love themselves
To find and discover themselves
With out the help of another
To just trust in the faith you have given them
To know that hater will hate on a daily bases
Because it is the only thing they know how to do
To rejoice in jealousy and envy
To beat down on you and render you powerless
By taking away your strength

O god why are people afraid
To trust in you for the will you have give to them
To understand that the greatest joy of love comes from with in
It has to be discover and not given to you by your greatest lover
It knows that you are special
It is carrying the confidence of a million soldiers going into battle
Loving your self is the best gift one can give their self
Knowing that you can stand on your own
Because you're not doing it alone
So Yes, I ask you God
Why are people afraid to lead by your examples?
Or just to trust in the destiny that you have aliened out for them
To run straight towards the mountain top
No matter how many times we have fallen short of his glory
You're always there
To pick use up and dust us off
To forgive us and grant us mercy
To hold us and love us
So much tighter than we love ourselves
So once again God I ask
Why are people afraid to break down these chains?

Written by Evolution (aka… Ms. Squirttress)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Defining Beauty

What a display. I mean this video had me thinking about alot of situations where I thought I was ugly, to dark, my eyes were to dark and I was below the standard of beauty. I'm glad I've overcame those doubting emotions but I can't believed I cried. I mean I get emotional all the time but to see young black girls describe and criticized their looks on skin color is so painful. I love children and I curse whom ever made them feel that way. Whom had the audacity to make children self hate. I'm really sorry but I cant write this in the form you want me to write it in because I cant really function because of this. I'm upset, hurt, angry and confused on why do they think this way. If I could meet those children, I would kneel down, smile at them, stare and their eyes and tell them how beautiful they are and how wonderfully made they are. I would would tell them to never let anyone rob you of your standard, faith and self confidence. Be all that you can be. Find yourself, don't let this world define you. Be against the statistic of African American girls only good for making children and being on welfare and African American boys only good for drugs and being a horrible father. Be against the statistic of African American being uneducated with no degree, no job, no future, no plans to take back what was rightfully yours. Be for success and knowing who you are and don't ever let anyone tell you differently. You no longer have to wear no mask nor no disguise, let them see your confidence in your eyes because you are beautifully and wonderfully made and I love you and so does your family. That's exactly what I would say to them. Whether they understand or not it will stick with them threw their lives and one day they'll understand.

Gangster Rap and volience

I agree with Nas on the topic of the influential on the violence we faced today because the violence start back then when fighting for our freedom. So a rap song in the 20th century influencing the negative behavior that happens to day is a joke and an irresponsible task that takes place.

I disagree with Lupe on the topic of the influential on the violence we faced today because you can't take blame for someone else's perception on what you rap about. This doesn't make any since, someone being blamed or carrying the responsibility of the reasoning children act the way they act today.

This should have stopped way back then. No I'm not going to go past the people who tried and lost their life for it such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. I appreciate the change you made but This worldwide situation can't be justified or an influential on violence that happens today because its to big of a situation to be even put in the category as hip-hop as a bad influence. Their are so many differ types of music that express the same thing and just because the population of rappers are African American doesn't mean we are responsible. If anybody feels they are influence by rappers and etc. all I have to say to you is find yourself. Before you decide how you will live your life and whom will you look up to, look at your history and then decide. Where did we go wrong?.....This is the question that keeps popping up in every assignment assigned to me. Over all these things happening today, the only question is where did we go wrong from working in the Field, bleeding sweat for your people to walking up to your people and shooting them as if we aren't related. I don't understand anymore. We use to be so strong. So if you won't take responsibility for what you have done and you want to blame someone, then blame the people whom robbed you of you intelligence, whom took your pride, hope, faith and dignity. I'm going to just end it leaving you puzzled. Who are you now?

Robert " Yummy Sandifer

Topic:What happens in the family and community of an 11 year old that turns him into a kid like Yummy?

Apart,Torn, Not together........not a family is what comes to mind when asked about this question. The life of Yummy Sandifer an 11 year old boy whom was in the violence of gangs and faced a shocking death on September 1, 1994. He was born in the arms of a teenage mother whom was not qualified on raising children and to a father who was sent to jail for drugs and weapons as charges. His mother dropped out of school in 10th grade, went on welfare, nursed a crack habit and became a statistic.

My first statement toward this question is the word family. In this question it ask what happens in the FAMILY and the community of an 11 year old that turns him into a kis like Yummy Sandifer. Now What does family mean to you? This question, as simple as it might sound, is one that can bring out a wide range of answers and opinions. Because of this self-defining concept, your family will always be different from the one next door. Healthy communication is one of the most vital attributes a family can possess. Without communication, one would not have the opportunity to establish relationships or understand the emotions of others. Another key concept that is seen within the family, are the different roles that family members take. These roles can be influenced by gender, society, or individual personality.( this information on family was provided by What does family means to you essay). My opinion on family is simply a group of ethnicity's that shares love which doesn't work without communication and is just basically backing up the information or opinion given above.

My second statement toward this question is the word community. In this question it ask what happens in the family and the COMMUNITY of an 11 year old that turns him into a kid like Yummy Sandifer. The word community comes from the word communion. The term Communion is derived from Latin communio (sharing in common). The corresponding term in Greek is κοινωνία, which is often translated as "fellowship".The definition and background on community was provided by google. My opinion on community is just simply based on Umoja meaning unity.

My third statement towards this question is "an 11 year old that turns into a kid like Yummy". Now this statement was stated in the question. My question to this question is what do you mean by a kid name Yummy. Yummy wasn't an angel, everyone saw that but he was also abuse physically and emotionally.

Figure 1.

Drawing by a 4-year-old physically-abused boy:
The large image is his father and he is the mouthless face in the upper left hand corner.

Physical abuse is a form of child maltreatment (a broad category of behavior that also includes sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect). As a general rule, physical abuse refers to the infliction of physical harm on a child by a parent or caregiver. It is not necessary for the harm to be intentionally inflicted, and in the majority of situations physical abuse is the unintentional end result of harsh disciplinary methods or corporal punishment that have escalated to point of physical injury or the risk of physical injury. Physical abuse often occurs simultaneously with other forms of child maltreatment. An unfortunate but common example of this is when a boy is hit with closed fists by his father while also being belittled and verbally insulted. In this case, the boy would be considered to have experienced both physical and emotional abuse. Establishing a precise definition of physical abuse is difficult due to the different standards that can be applied to this term.

For example, at what point do normal child-rearing behaviors cross the line into the realm of abuse? Although exact legal definitions vary in the United States from state to state, there are two commonly accepted types of definitional standards that can be used to specify what is meant by physical abuse. The first is the harm standard, which considers behavior as abusive only if it results in demonstrable harm or injuries. Demonstrable harm could mean bruises, abrasions, cuts, burns, fractures, bites, or any of a number of other injuries. The second definitional standard for physical abuse is that of endangerment. Under this standard, physical assault by a parent or caregiver that presents a substantial risk of physical injury is considered abuse. Behaviors that would be considered abusive under this standard include hitting a child with a hard instrument or with closed fists, burning, scalding, poisoning, suffocating, drowning, kicking, shaking, choking, and stabbing. Although these actions may not result in observable injuries such as bruises or cuts, they are still considered abusive under an endangerment standard. Comparing these two standards, it can be seen that injury to the child is central to harm definitions while perpetrator behavior is the focus of endangerment definitions. Furthermore, harm definitions are more restrictive and more objective than endangerment standards.This information was provided by statics stating the action of abuse and the reaction of it. So who shall we blame because from my understanding and comprehension of Yummy Sandifer behavior, he was just a child whom was forced to survive and try to do whats right, yet he explained or showed it in the wrong way.

Now that we have a broken down outline of this question and understands every part it time to answer it. The question asks us What happens in the family and community of an 11 year old that turns him into a kid like Yummy? The answer to that question is lost more. What I mean by that is first of all the family wasn't in the interest of the child any way because it wouldn't even boil down to the point of the situation that occurred in Yummy life. SO you already lost the family part and if the community cared they would of told. So from my understanding no one had interest in him any way and now that you lost the Umoja within the family and the community, by you not doing anything you lost even more. You lost the oppurtunity to change what you already lost and you lost a child's life. All I have to say for future reference to where Robert Yummy Sandifer's family and community is that "It takes a village to raise a child not a neighbor". I appreciate the neighbors that saw what I see today. I wish their were more like you then, so maybe he could be telling his story and we won't have so much killing today. Where did we go wrong?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Walking directions are in beta.
Use caution – This route may be missing sidewalks or pedestrian paths.

Walking directions to Philadelphia, PA
530 mi – about 7 days 6 hours
Suggested routes

Rock Hill, South Carolina

1. Head northwest on Oakland Ave/SC-274/US-21 toward Stewart Ave 0.5 mi
2. Turn right at Cherry Rd/SC-322/US-21
Continue to follow US-21 6.8 mi
3. Slight right at Hwy-21 Byp/US-21 3.9 mi
4. Slight right to stay on Hwy-21 Byp/US-21 0.8 mi
5. Slight right at Pineville-Rock Hill Rd/Rock Hill-Pineville Rd/SC-51 0.1 mi
6. Turn right to stay on Pineville-Rock Hill Rd/Rock Hill-Pineville Rd/SC-51 0.8 mi
7. Turn left at Andrew L Tucker Rd
Entering North Carolina 0.1 mi
8. Continue on Nations Ford Rd/NC-1126
Continue to follow Nations Ford Rd 4.5 mi
9. Slight right at Nations Ford Rd/NC-1164
Continue to follow Nations Ford Rd 2.3 mi
10. Slight right at NC-49/S Tryon St
Continue to follow S Tryon St 5.6 mi
11. Slight right at N Tryon St 0.8 mi
12. Slight right at NC-49/N Tryon St/US-29 5.0 mi
13. Slight right at NC-49/University City Blvd
Continue to follow NC-49 7.9 mi
14. Slight left at Hwy-49 S/NC-49
Continue to follow NC-49 27.3 mi
15. Slight left at NC 49 Hwy 10.4 mi
16. Slight right at NC-49/NC Hwy 49 S
Continue to follow NC-49 6.9 mi
17. Slight left at NC-49/NC Hwy 49 S 1.3 mi
18. Slight left to stay on NC-49/NC Hwy 49 S 4.2 mi
19. Slight right at NC-49/NC Hwy 49 S/Old North Carolina Hwy 49 1.9 mi
20. Slight right at NC-49/NC Hwy 49 S
Continue to follow NC-49 1.2 mi
21. Continue on Albemarle Rd/NC-1713 0.9 mi
22. Slight right at Cooper St 0.3 mi
23. Continue on Hammer Ave 0.3 mi
24. Turn right at W Kivett St 0.1 mi
25. Turn left at S Fayetteville St/US-220 2.4 mi
26. Slight right at N Fayetteville St/US-220 0.1 mi
27. Slight right at NC-2261/Old Liberty Rd 5.4 mi
28. Turn left at Millboro Rd/NC-2122 0.7 mi
29. Turn right at Mack Lineberry Rd/NC-2138
Continue to follow Mack Lineberry Rd 4.6 mi
30. Turn left at NC-22/NC Hwy 22 N 2.5 mi
31. Turn right at NC-2403/Old Red Cross Rd 2.0 mi
32. Turn left at NC-2407/Shiloh Rd
Continue to follow NC-2407 0.5 mi
33. Turn right at NC-3374/Old 2nd St 144 ft
34. Turn left at Colonial Trading Path/NC-3373 0.3 mi
35. Continue straight onto NC-62/NC Hwy 62 E
Continue to follow NC-62 14.3 mi
36. Turn right at Anthony Rd/NC-1147 1.6 mi
37. Turn right to stay on Anthony Rd/NC-1147 1.7 mi
38. Turn right to stay on Anthony Rd/NC-1147 46 ft
39. Turn left at Maple Ave/NC-49 0.6 mi
40. Turn right at W Harden St/NC-49/NC-54 1.9 mi
41. Turn left at E Elm St/NC-49 1.8 mi
42. Turn right at W Main St/NC-49
Continue to follow NC-49 1.4 mi
43. Turn right at N Wilkins Rd 56 ft
44. Turn left at Bason Rd/NC-1927 2.8 mi
45. Turn left at Mebane Rogers Rd/NC-1921 0.2 mi
46. Slight right at Miles Chapel Rd/NC-1915 1.7 mi
47. Turn right at Dickey Mill Rd/NC-1912 1.9 mi
48. Turn left at NC-119/N NC Hwy 119 1.4 mi
49. Turn right at NC-49/N NC Hwy 49 6.5 mi
50. Turn left at NC-49/NC-86/NC Hwy 49 0.4 mi
51. Turn right at NC-49/NC Hwy 49 N
Continue to follow NC-49 15.1 mi
52. Continue on Burlington Rd/S Morgan St
Continue to follow S Morgan St 1.2 mi
53. Turn left at N Madison Blvd/NC-49/US-501
Continue to follow NC-49 16.4 mi
54. Slight left at NC-96/NC Hwy 96
Entering Virginia 0.2 mi
55. Continue on Florence Ave/VA-49/VA-96 0.1 mi
56. Turn right at 7th St/VA-49
Continue to follow VA-49 9.8 mi
57. Slight right at Sandy Fork Rd 1.4 mi
58. Turn right at US-58/VA-49/VA-58 1.1 mi
59. Turn left at US-58 52 ft
60. Turn right at US-58/VA-49 79 ft
61. Turn left at US-58 3.1 mi
62. Slight left at US-15/US-58 0.1 mi
63. Turn left at Hwy Fifteen/US-15/VA-49 1.6 mi
64. Turn right at VA-49 8.5 mi
65. Turn right to stay on VA-49 3.6 mi
66. Turn right at W 2nd St/VA-49/VA-92 0.7 mi
67. Turn left at N Main St/VA-47/VA-49
Continue to follow VA-49 19.9 mi
68. Turn left at Main St/VA-49
Continue to follow VA-49 1.8 mi
69. Turn left at Burkeville Rd/VA-723
Continue to follow VA-723 4.6 mi
70. Continue on Lewiston Plank Rd 8.7 mi
71. Turn right at E Patrick Henry Hwy/US-360 8.0 mi
72. Turn right at VA-671 1.7 mi
73. Turn right at Patrick Henry Hwy/US-360 7.5 mi
74. Turn left at Grub Hill Church Rd 7.1 mi
75. Turn left at Genito Rd 0.4 mi
76. Turn right at Royalton Rd 2.2 mi
77. Continue on Giles Bridge Rd 2.8 mi
78. Turn right at Old Buckingham Rd/VA-13 2.2 mi
79. Slight left at Emanuel Church Rd 0.4 mi
80. Continue on Maidens Rd/US-522
Continue to follow Maidens Rd 11.6 mi
81. Turn right at Fairground Rd 3.5 mi
82. Turn right at Broad St Rd/US-250 0.8 mi
83. Turn left at Oilville Rd 1.1 mi
84. Turn left to stay on Oilville Rd 0.4 mi
85. Continue on Pinhook Rd 2.9 mi
86. Turn left at Spring Rd 2.3 mi
87. Turn right at Taylors Creek Rd 0.7 mi
88. Turn left at Clazemont Rd 3.5 mi
89. Continue on Beaver Dam Rd 4.2 mi
90. Turn right to stay on Beaver Dam Rd 4.8 mi
91. Turn left to stay on Beaver Dam Rd 0.3 mi
92. Turn right at Union Church Rd 0.9 mi
93. Turn right to stay on Union Church Rd 0.9 mi
94. Turn left at Teman Rd/VA-738
Continue to follow VA-738 3.9 mi
95. VA-738 turns slightly right and becomes Ladysmith Rd 0.5 mi
96. Turn left at Countyline Church Rd 4.0 mi
97. Countyline Church Rd turns slightly right and becomes Church Rd 0.4 mi
98. Slight left to stay on Church Rd 1.9 mi
99. Turn left at Arcadia Rd 0.3 mi
100. Arcadia Rd turns slightly right and becomes VA-603 1.7 mi
101. Slight left at Jefferson Davis Hwy/US-1 7.8 mi
102. Slight left to stay on Jefferson Davis Hwy/US-1 2.5 mi
103. Slight right at Jefferson Davis Hwy/US-1/US-17
Continue to follow US-1 8.0 mi
104. Slight right at Jefferson Davis Hwy/US-1 1.7 mi
105. Slight right to stay on Jefferson Davis Hwy/US-1 3.7 mi
106. Slight right to stay on Jefferson Davis Hwy/US-1 2.8 mi
107. Slight right to stay on Jefferson Davis Hwy/US-1 14.4 mi
108. Slight left to stay on Jefferson Davis Hwy/US-1 1.5 mi
109. Slight right to stay on Jefferson Davis Hwy/US-1 0.6 mi
110. Slight right to stay on Jefferson Davis Hwy/US-1
Continue to follow US-1 4.2 mi
111. Turn left at Pohick Rd 443 ft
112. Turn right at Whernside St 0.3 mi
113. Turn left at Telegraph Rd 0.5 mi
114. Slight left to stay on Telegraph Rd 2.2 mi
115. Turn left at Beulah St 3.3 mi
116. Turn right at Franconia Rd 0.5 mi
117. Turn left at S Van Dorn St 4.0 mi
118. Turn left at W Braddock Rd 0.2 mi
119. Turn right at N Hampton Dr 0.4 mi
120. Turn left at King St/VA-7 0.2 mi
121. Turn right at S Walter Reed Dr 2.0 mi
122. Turn right at Columbia Pike/VA-244 0.9 mi
123. Turn left at S Ode St 0.1 mi
124. Turn right at Southgate Rd 164 ft
125. Slight left to stay on Southgate Rd 443 ft
126. Sharp left at Patton Dr 108 ft
127. Sharp right to stay on Patton Dr 0.2 mi
128. Slight right to stay on Patton Dr 0.2 mi
129. Turn left at Eisenhower Dr 0.8 mi
130. Continue straight onto Roosevelt Dr 279 ft
131. Turn right at Memorial Dr
Entering District of Columbia 0.4 mi
132. Continue on Memorial Ave 213 ft
133. Slight left to stay on Memorial Ave 256 ft
134. At the traffic circle, take the 1st exit onto Arlington Memorial Bridge 0.6 mi
135. Continue on Lincoln Memorial Circle NW 0.1 mi
136. Turn left at 23rd St NW 46 ft
137. Slight left to stay on 23rd St NW 0.8 mi
138. At Washington Circle NW, take the 5th exit onto New Hampshire Ave NW 0.3 mi
139. Slight right at M St NW 0.4 mi
140. Slight left at Rhode Island Ave NW 0.2 mi
141. Slight right to stay on Rhode Island Ave NW 338 ft
142. At Scott Circle NW, take the 3rd exit and stay on Rhode Island Ave NW 0.4 mi
143. At Logan Circle NW, take the 5th exit and stay on Rhode Island Ave NW
Entering Maryland 4.2 mi
144. At 34th St/Perry St, take the 3rd exit onto Rhode Island Ave/US-1
Continue to follow US-1 3.3 mi
145. Slight left at Baltimore Ave/US-1 9.6 mi
146. Slight left at Baltimore Ave/US-1/Washington Blvd S
Continue to follow US-1/Washington Blvd S 6.4 mi
147. Slight left at US-1/Washington Blvd 2.1 mi
148. Continue straight to stay on US-1/Washington Blvd 3.2 mi
149. Slight right to stay on US-1/Washington Blvd 0.1 mi
150. Slight right to stay on US-1/Washington Blvd 1.0 mi
151. Slight right at Southwestern Blvd/US-1
Continue to follow US-1 1.4 mi
152. Slight left at US-1/Washington Blvd
Continue to follow Washington Blvd 4.4 mi
153. Turn left at MD-295 N/S Paca St 0.2 mi
154. Turn right at W Baltimore St 0.5 mi
155. Turn left at N Calvert St/MD-2 279 ft
156. Turn right at E Fayette St 1.8 mi
157. Slight left at Pulaski Hwy 1.4 mi
158. Slight left at Pulaski Hwy/US-40 25.4 mi
159. Turn right at MD-7/Old Philadelphia Rd 49 ft
160. Turn left at MD-7/S Philadelphia Blvd/Pulaski Hwy/US-40
Continue to follow Pulaski Hwy/US-40 13.5 mi
161. Turn right at Red Toad Rd 0.4 mi
162. Turn left at MD-7/W Old Philadelphia Rd
Continue to follow MD-7 5.6 mi
163. Turn left at MD-7/E Old Philadelphia Rd 331 ft
164. Continue on MD-279 1.8 mi
165. Slight left at Elkton Rd/MD-279
Continue to follow Elkton Rd
Entering Delaware 5.8 mi
166. Continue on DE-273/DE-2 Bus/W Main St 0.9 mi
167. Slight left at DE-2 Bus/E Main St 0.2 mi
168. Slight left at Capitol Trail/DE-2/DE-72 1.1 mi
169. Turn right at DE-72/Possum Park Rd 46 ft
170. Turn left at Capitol Trail/DE-2/DE-72
Continue to follow DE-2 8.6 mi
171. Turn right at Maple St 0.7 mi
172. Turn left at DE-4/Maryland Ave 0.3 mi
173. Turn right at DE-48/Martin Luther King Blvd 0.4 mi
174. Turn left at N Market St/US-13 98 ft
175. Turn right at Martin Luther King Blvd/US-13
Continue to follow US-13 7.2 mi
176. Slight right at Philadelphia Pike/US-13 0.5 mi
177. Slight left to stay on Philadelphia Pike/US-13 0.2 mi
178. Turn left at DE-92/Naamans Rd 0.2 mi
179. Turn right at Ridge Rd
Entering Pennsylvania 0.3 mi
180. Slight left at W Ridge Rd 2.0 mi
181. Continue on W 9th St 1.4 mi
182. Slight left at W 9th St/US-13 1.9 mi
183. Turn left at Morton Ave/US-13
Continue to follow US-13 6.6 mi
184. Turn right at Chester Pike 499 ft
185. Continue on N 9th St 282 ft
186. Turn right at Main St 0.8 mi
187. Continue on Woodland Ave 3.4 mi
188. Turn left at S University Ave/US-13 0.1 mi
189. Turn right at Spruce St 0.4 mi
190. Turn left at S 33rd St 0.2 mi
191. Turn right at Walnut St 1.4 mi
192. Turn left at S Broad St/PA-611 0.2 mi

Philadelphia, PA

Monday, March 2, 2009

What events led to the outbreak of war in the DR Congo?
towards my understanding and research the war never decease.Its still going on because of the death of their former president.this event took place 14 years ago.from my opinion Congo's people can hold a grudge.

How many have died in this war?
There is over 5 million people who have died in this war. Some committed suicide because they were afraid to be killed by soldiers and others died because of the untreated health problems and much more.
Over what time frame has the deaths taken place?
The time frame the deaths have taken place was with in 10 years. The Tutsis- led the Rwandan Patriotic Army to take over the Kivus, the part of the Congo that borders Rwanda, in 1996 and in 1998.

What countries and ethnic groups are involved?What do you think can happen to stop the war/genocide in Congo?
To my understanding and research nothing can happen to stop this genocide.Almost everything has been done already to stop this genocide/war. The biggest peacekeepers of the world have even tried to stop the war, and it seems like nothing happened. They even tried to get them to sign some papers to stop the war and arm down, which they did.Obviously that wasn't the answer because they continued to fight.I think what needs to happen to stop the genocide/war is that they should put aside their differences and forget about it, because what they are fighting for in my opinion its not necessary.